June Spotlight: Hermione Danger

The monthly spotlight is a feature that takes place on the second (sometimes third) Monday of every month and is designed to highlight a blog, vlog, or podcast that is under a year old. There will occasionally be other folks featured here as well, such as porn companies or artists, but the main focus is to highlight new people within the sex education community. If you’d like to be featured, please reach out! It’s been a little while since there has been a new spotlight, and I’m pleased to start back with this talented writer!

Hermione Danger (Blog)

A very pretty redhead stands holding four books by her head. Her hair is just past her shoulders and wavy, pulled to one side. She is wearing large framed blackglasses, red lipstick, and a red dress with white polka dots.This is a blog that’s run by – you guessed it – Hermione Danger, a delightful dog lover, librarian, sports fan, and self-professed “Ravenpuff” (which is the cutest sounding house, lets be real). She’s a kinky submissive (mostly), rope bunny, and masochist who is monogamously partnered with a long distance dominant who goes by Swarley. As someone who also has a long distance dominant…this suuuuucks so much.

This is not a review site, as most of the sex educators that I follow are – it covered sex education and feminist issues such as rape, platonic kink, how dang white sex education is, discovering bisexuality, and then she also has some erotica, recommends her favourite media, and more! Her most recent piece is a lengthy defense of Fleur Delacour (from Harry Potter) as a character that was treated unfairly based on how femininity is undervalued and how sexism plays out in the books, and it’s fantastic.

Currently, her blog is located entirely under the “home” tab. Hermione writes in a way that is accessible and straightforward, like she’s having a conversation with a friend. The posts are strong, often amusing, and getting even stronger with time, so I recommend adding her to your blog roll and checking back often.

You can find Hermione Danger on her website or twitter!

What do you love about Hermione Danger’s work? Let me know in the comments below!


Want to get featured? Contact me! I love discovering new people and helping to promote new, talented folk (for free)!

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